Far Breton

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by Pastry Chef Angelo Musa

Discover the authentic taste of Brittany with the prune cake recipe by Angelo Musa, Best Craftsman in France and World Pastry Champion. This traditional Far Breton will win you over with its soft texture and unique flavour thanks to the subtle notes of Bourbon vanilla and caramel found in La Perruche brown sugar. So, are you ready to make this delicious Far Breton recipe ?

  • Servings 1 people
  • Prep : 55 minutes
  • Cooking : 20 minutes


For the Far Breton soaking syrup:

  • Water: 1,000 g
  • La Perruche brown sugar: 100 g
  • Armagnac: 50 g
  • Fleur de sel: 1 g
  • Orange peel: 1
  • Vanilla pod: 1
  • Tonka bean: 1

For the prunes:

  • Prunes: 500 g
  • Soaking syrup: 1,000 g

For the infused milk:

  • Milk: 1,000 g
  • Prune stones: 300 g
  • Tonka bean: 1/2
  • Orange peel: 1

To make the homemade dough:

  • Flour: 170 g
  • La Perruche brown sugar: 130 g
  • Eggs: 200 g
  • Infused milk: 750 g
  • Prunes: 100 g
  • Whipping cream: 50 g
  • Armagnac: 30 g


Preparing the soaking syrup:

  1. To begin, bring the water and La Perruche brown sugar to the boil in a saucepan.

  2. Scrape out the vanilla pod with a knife blade and zest the orange peel.

  3. Add the fleur de sel, Armagnac, scraped vanilla pod, zested orange peel and grated tonka bean.

  4. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes, then filter.

Preparing the prunes :

  1. Wash the prunes in clean water and remove the stones.
  2. Pour the hot syrup over the prunes and leave them to soak overnight.

Preparing the infused milk :

  1. Heat the litre of milk with the grated tonka bean, orange peel and prune pits to room temperature.
  2. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes, then filter.

Preparing the dough:

  1. Blend 100 g of prunes with the infused milk and whipping cream.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the flour and La Perruche brown sugar.

  3. Add the eggs and mix well to make the Far Breton.

  4. Gradually stir in the infused milk mixed with the prunes and cream. Add the Armagnac.


  1. Butter silicone or iron dessert moulds with a piece of butter.
  2. Place around 30 g of the soaked prunes in each mould.

  3. Pour in 70 g of cake batter (up to 3 mm from the edge of the tin).

  4. Bake the Far Breton at 170 °C for around 15 to 20 minutes.

  5. Let it cool then remove from mould.

Finishing the cake :

  1. Dip the prunes in La Perruche brown sugar.
  2. Caramelise with a blowtorch.

  3. Repeat several times to obtain a nice layer of caramel.

Enjoy your Far Breton while still warm, or leave to cool. Its soft texture, juicy prunes and vanilla and caramel flavours will transport you to Brittany.

Chef's tip

For an even more intense taste experience, don’t hesitate to prepare it the day before. Like many desserts, Far Breton improves with age.

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